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howto: github – talks branch


A couple of months ago I did a presentation and decided to put the files up in github (https://github.com/karlarao/conference_eco2015) just because I wanted to move away from dropbox for my scripts and resources. Well, that was very convenient because the audience can just download the master zip file and that’s it! But then I figured I don’t want to have the next presentation on another repo and it would look pretty messy on my git account. Ultimately I’d like all the presentations to be on one repo and only separated by folders but then by default if you just put it that way then the “download zip” will download all of the conference folders.

The howto below will show you how to create a branch for each presentation folder so that every folder will have its own “download zip” link. Another way to get a downloadable link is through releases but it doesn’t fit the requirement of having just the subset of files shown on the zip file.

Here we will be working on the following branches:

master – this is the default branch where all the files are shown
empty – an empty branch created from master. this is just used for creating the stage branch, more like a gold image copy
stage – this is where we initially commit the presentation files and later on will be deleted once the custom branch is created and merged to master
a custom branch (in this example: talks3) – this is the branch we create from the stage and then merged with the master

Click on the link below to get started.

howto: github – talks branch https://www.evernote.com/l/ADB4_Zskw9hBEql3ZU_PhweA3UrVOO2WBgg

Soon this URL https://github.com/karlarao/talks/ will be repopulated with my previous conference files (demos/scripts/slides).

If the branching stuff is to much for you, then here’s some git learning references http://karlarao.tiddlyspot.com/#GitHub


Azure and Oracle Cloud – My First Time


Below talks about my experience trying out Azure and Oracle cloud for the very first time (and at the same time).

So last night I tried for the very 1st time the Azure and Oracle Cloud. Here, I just like to share my experience. BTW I am a big fan of DigitalOcean because of its user friendly interface, very fast to setup (end to end 2 minutes w/ few button clicks), and fantastic community and HOWTOs (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/). If I have to choose a cloud dev environment provider I would still use DigitalOcean.

Now, being a newbie on both these platforms. I’m looking for a similar experience as DigitalOcean.

The cloud experience comparison is broken down to 3 categories:

  • Signup from scratch
  • Creating a database and connecting to that database
  • Overall UI

Signup from scratch

  • azure
    • It just ask for my microsoft account then keyed in my credit card info then it gave me $200 credits. It’s not 30 day trial but a consumable amount without any time limit. (please correct me if I’m wrong)
    • Then you will be redirected to your dashboard


  • oracle cloud

    • It just ask for my otn account, no credit card required. After that you have 30 days to play.
    • Before you can get to you dashboard. You will first need to select your data center. This is not intuitive and I have to guess my data center, and then finally I figured “Public Cloud Services – US” is the one.


    • Then you will be redirected to this page. Where you have to input the “Identity Domain”. I took me a couple of minutes of google’ing and watching two youtube videos to figure out how to login to my dashboard. And then finally a “Welcome to Oracle Cloud” email was sent w/ my temporary password and identity domain. I think I reset my password the reason I got that email.


    • Then you’ll be redirected to your dashboard


Creating a database and connecting to that database

  • azure

  • oracle cloud
    • On the dashboard -> Click
      • “Create Instance” ->
      • “Oracle Database Cloud Service” ->
      • Database ->
      • “Create Service” ->
      • Subscription ->
      • DB Version ->
      • Edition ->
      • Details (forms to fillout – username/password/service name/You have to download the SSHkey) ->
      • Confirmation ->
      • Create
    • The “Oracle Database Cloud Service” took about 36 mins to finish. I’ve already watched 2 quarters of basketball – GSW vs Raptors. And on my laptop screen I’m just waiting for this text to finish.

      > SSH access to VM [DB_1/vm-1] succeeded…
      > Oracle Database Server Configuration completed…
      > Successfully provisioned Oracle Database Server…
      > Service Reachabilty Check (SRC) of Oracle Database Server [karlaraodev] completed…

    • I tried the “Oracle Database Cloud Service – Virtual Image” and you have to go through the similar steps. It’s much faster to provision and takes about 8 mins.


    • At this point I’m already tired and to figure out how to connect and do a simple SELECT can wait for another day. (I’ve got too many tabs open from researching)

Overall UI

The overall UI of Azure is much better. It’s intuitive and integrated. When you click on the “+” button all products are nicely categorized and you can search on the Marketplace as well (plugins like New Relic monitoring).


Also the Azure site is built on ASP.NET MVC, I don’t know what client frontend framework they used but it’s pretty sleek. Then Oracle is based J2EE and Foundation (more like Bootstrap). And DigitalOcean uses rails + emberjs. See more details below:

All in all Azure is very easy to use compared to Oracle Cloud and I can see Microsoft gearing towards developer productivity/happiness w/ this site https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/developer-get-started/node-rhel and the vscode https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/introvideos/overview and this https://gitter.im/mssqldev/Lobby and this channel9 https://channel9.msdn.com/Tags/sql+server?sort=viewed, I hope they do more tutorials https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-video-demo-tutorial-list like what DigitalOcean have.


The ACE Scorecard


The newly introduced “Oracle ACE Program Scorecard” felt like I did a timesheet of my Oracle online footprint for the entire year. Spent most of the day (afternoon until midnight) documenting/searching, going through emails w/ Product Managers/Developers and forum/mailing list and a bunch of other stuff. After Lillian Buziak left from the program (we joke about she’s my sister from another mother because of our chinky eyes) I’ve never had contact w/ others on the team so this is good because the new ones (Jennifer) probably don’t know I exist =p and this scorecard helps me somehow quantify my contributions. Although I find it interesting how categories are scored and some of it I would say is unfair for the others doing a lot more work (especially volunteer work) in the Oracle community. One example is the conference points is “per attendance”. So a guy that did 1 presentation would score the same 20 points as the guy that did 4. And BTW if you presented a “cloud content” you get 30 points (vs 20). Same goes with the blog post, 5 for non-cloud 10 for cloud. So two “cloud” blog post is essentially equivalent to a conference presentation. Clearly there’s a gamification (rules based point scoring) going on and it has pros and cons. And this is dangerous because the program may end up losing valuable players just because the rules are not fair or they just don’t (feel) like (playing) the “game”. The rules will probably evolve after the feedback and results. Let’s see how it goes.


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