For the DBAs who want to have a refreser on SCN (system change number), this article article is very nice and explained clearly written by Sandeep Makol. It started on where you ‘ll find info for SCN (controlfile and datafile headers) then goes to the backup and recovery scenarios where knowledge of this “magic number” is very useful.
Below are some useful scripts (with sample output) as well
-- get specific datafile col name format a50 select 'controlfile' "SCN location",'SYSTEM checkpoint' name,checkpoint_change# from v$database union select 'file in controlfile',name,checkpoint_change# from v$datafile where lower(name) like '%&&datafile%' union select 'file header',name,checkpoint_change# from v$datafile_header where lower(name) like '%&&datafile%'; SCN location NAME CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ controlfile SYSTEM checkpoint 1151614 file header +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/sysaux.258.652821943 1151614 file header +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system.267.652821909 1151614 file header +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system_02.dbf 1151614 file header +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/undotbs1.257.652821933 1151614 file header +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/users.263.652821963 1151614 file in controlfile +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/sysaux.258.652821943 1151614 file in controlfile +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system.267.652821909 1151614 file in controlfile +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system_02.dbf 1151614 file in controlfile +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/undotbs1.257.652821933 1151614 file in controlfile +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/users.263.652821963 1151614 -- get distinct checkpoint_change# select checkpoint_change#, 'SYSTEM checkpoint in controlfile' "SCN location" from v$database union select distinct checkpoint_change#, 'file in controlfile' from v$datafile union select distinct checkpoint_change#, 'file header' from v$datafile_header; CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# SCN location ------------------ -------------------------------- 1151614 SYSTEM checkpoint in controlfile 1151614 file header 1151614 file in controlfile -- get distinct datafile count select 'controlfile' "SCN location",'SYSTEM checkpoint' name,checkpoint_change# from v$database union select 'file in controlfile',to_char(count(*)),checkpoint_change# from v$datafile group by checkpoint_change# union select 'file header',to_char(count(*)),checkpoint_change# from v$datafile_header group by checkpoint_change#; SCN location NAME CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ controlfile SYSTEM checkpoint 1151614 file header 5 1151614 file in controlfile 5 1151614 -- info from x$kcvfh (All file headers) SELECT hxfil file_num,substr(hxfnm,1,40) file_name,fhtyp type,hxerr validity, fhscn chk_ch#, fhtnm tablespace_name,fhsta status,fhrba_seq sequence FROM x$kcvfh; FILE_NUM FILE_NAME TYPE VALIDITY CHK_CH# TABLESPACE_NAME STATUS SEQUENCE ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 1 +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system.267.6528219 3 0 1151614 SYSTEM 8196 146 2 +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/undotbs1.257.65282 3 0 1151614 UNDOTBS1 4 146 3 +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/sysaux.258.6528219 3 0 1151614 SYSAUX 4 146 4 +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/users.263.65282196 3 0 1151614 USERS 4 146 5 +DATA_1/ivrs/datafile/system_02.dbf 3 0 1151614 SYSTEM 4 146 |