This is a quick video of our Big Data Appliance first boot yesterday in our server room (with Kerry and Andy), now she’s beside our two Exadata quarter racks all we have to do now is connect both of them through the infiniband spine switch located at the bottom of each of the rack. At the latter part of the video you’ll hear me counting as I power on the top half of the rack, I’ve seen enough blinking green lights yesterday and that’s what I call “server porn”.. thinking about how can I push the limits of those servers and all the fancy monitoring and workload characterization I can do with it.. but of course this is everybody’s R&D machine at Enkitec Andy and I had a quick look on the server, it comes bundled with a particular image version and running on UEK kernel (OEL 5.6).. the machines are not yet configured, and it has a similar Exadata onecommand utility to configure the entire stack which the doc names it as the “Mammoth Utility” which will install and configure the Cloudera Distribution including Apache Hadoop plus the other Big Data stuff (connectors, NoSQL database, etc.)
Now if you are curious on what this machine can do.. check out this white paper -> 12TB/hour data load High Performance Connectors for Load and Access of Data from Hadoop to Oracle Database
That’s something we can replicate on our lab environment. This will be fun!