The past few days, I’ve been troubleshooting an email alerting problem on an EMGC 11.1 install on a client site.
But this troubleshooting also includes setting up my own email server and reproducing the problem
Watching/digging on the EM web based interface is tedious so I devised a way to just mine on the MGMT views… thanks to the MOS 421499.1 EMDIAG REPVFY Kit – which is a good source for mining the EMGC repository.
This simple query from the MGMT views will output something like this
SELECT t.target_name, t.target_type, substr(s.message,1,50) , substr(l.message,1,11) emailed, TO_CHAR(s.load_timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') loaded, s.severity_guid, TO_CHAR(a.timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') annotated, TO_CHAR(l.timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') logged FROM mgmt_severity s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_annotation a, mgmt_notification_log l WHERE s.target_guid = t.target_guid AND s.severity_guid = a.source_obj_guid (+) AND s.severity_guid = l.source_obj_guid (+) -- AND a.annotation_type = 'NOTIFICATION' -- AND lower(s.message) like '%tablespace%percent%' -- AND lower(t.target_name) like '%mta%' -- AND s.severity_guid = 'B33A7C7DF7A0293CE040460A22EA5E84' ORDER BY s.load_timestamp desc;
and with this data you can actually do filters.. lets say search for the tablespace alerts test cases that I created. This shows that it reached the metric threshold but it did not send the email because the “Emailed” column shows as as “null”
another thing you can do is have a query that shows monthly count of tablespace alerts that were sent or not sent..
select count(*), TO_DATE(loaded,'MON') loaded, emailed from ( SELECT t.target_name, t.target_type, substr(s.message,1,20) , substr(l.message,1,11) emailed, TO_CHAR(s.load_timestamp,'MON') loaded, s.severity_guid, TO_CHAR(a.timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') annotated, TO_CHAR(l.timestamp,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') logged FROM mgmt_severity s, mgmt_targets t, mgmt_annotation a, mgmt_notification_log l WHERE s.target_guid = t.target_guid AND s.severity_guid = a.source_obj_guid (+) AND s.severity_guid = l.source_obj_guid (+) AND lower(s.message) like '%tablespace%percent%' ORDER BY s.load_timestamp desc ) group by loaded, emailed order by loaded desc;
and for sure there’s much more things you can do with all of these filters
— AND a.annotation_type = ‘NOTIFICATION’ <– annotated as NOTIFICATION
— AND lower(s.message) like ‘%tablespace%percent%’ <– search string on the alert message
— AND lower(t.target_name) like ‘%mta%’ <– search string on the target name
— AND s.severity_guid = ‘B33A7C7DF7A0293CE040460A22EA5E84′ <– search the alert ID
That’s it for now.. hope I’ve shared you some good stuff