Recently I encountered a performance problem scenario where a simple sqlplus “/ as sysdba” took about 2minutes to finish, this is critical to the client’s business because they have a local C program that loads Call Detail Reports on the database making use of local authentication for most of its operations and Sql*Loader to load the data, so this “2minutes of waiting” when accumulated greatly consumes significant time on their operations and greatly impacts the business.
When I arrived on the client I first checked the alert logs of both ASM (they have a separate home for ASM) and RDBMS, there were no errors…
Then I checked on the server to see if there were any CPU, IO, memory, swap, and network bottlenecks going on
The CPU run queue was zero and most of the time 90% idle
The disks were also most of the time idle
The memory utilization was low with 430MB free
Real memory Usage ----------------------------- Total Installed : 6.00000 GB Total Used : 5.57032 GB Total Free : 439.97264 MB REAL MEMORY USAGE : % : 92.800 ----------------------------- |
The paging on the server is not significant which is 1.1GB out of 16GB
Paging Space Usage ----------------------------- Total Pg Space : 16640.00000 MB Pg Space Used : 1187.77340 MB Percent Used PAGING : 7.100 ----------------------------- |
Then I did sqlplus “/ as sysdba” to do some SELECTs on some views (…yeah it really took about 2minutes…)
I looked at the free memory of the SGA memory structures… well, I think SGA is not the issue but I still have to find out…
select pool, round(bytes/1024/1024,2) size_mb from v$sgastat where name like '%free memory%'; POOL SIZE_MB ------------ ---------- shared pool 655.57 large pool 302.6 java pool 16 streams pool 15.99 |
At that time, there were only 4 users connected (that includes me) to the database and the C program was not running. I suspected that there are some contentions (latch) or concurrency problems that I’ll see on the wait interface… here’s a portion of the AWR report
Elapsed: 60.11 (mins) DB Time: 121.50 (mins) Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ---------- os thread startup 3,278 3,115 950 42.7 Concurrenc latch free 6,298 1,822 289 25.0 Other flashback buf free by RVWR 1,771 1,721 972 23.6 Other SQL*Net more data to client 60,087 1,574 26 21.6 Network CPU time 1,088 14.9 ------------------------------------------------------------- |
The DB Time was 3940.8 seconds (121.50 * 60) and the top event which is the “os thread startup” consumes 83% (3276/3940.8) of the total DB Time
And just for comparison, below is their normal workload which is generated on the same period (but different day) as the above
Elapsed: 59.52 (mins) DB Time: 72.42 (mins) Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ---------- CPU time 2,009 46.2 db file scattered read 151,781 423 3 9.7 User I/O db file sequential read 66,212 301 5 6.9 User I/O latch: shared pool 384 67 175 1.5 Concurrenc log file sequential read 404 19 46 0.4 System I/O ------------------------------------------------------------- |
Hmmm so what is “os thread startup”? The ADDM report also outputs this event as a top finding
FINDING 1: 79% impact (3113 seconds) ------------------------------------ Wait event "os thread startup" in wait class "Concurrency" was consuming significant database time. RECOMMENDATION 1: Application Analysis, 79% benefit (3113 seconds) ACTION: Investigate the cause for high "os thread startup" waits. Refer to Oracle's "Database Reference" for the description of this wait event. Use given SQL for further investigation. RATIONALE: The SQL statement with SQL_ID "4gd6b1r53yt88" was found waiting for "os thread startup" wait event. RELEVANT OBJECT: SQL statement with SQL_ID 4gd6b1r53yt88 RECOMMENDATION 2: Application Analysis, 79% benefit (3113 seconds) ACTION: Investigate the cause for high "os thread startup" waits in Service "SYS$BACKGROUND". SYMPTOMS THAT LED TO THE FINDING: SYMPTOM: Wait class "Concurrency" was consuming significant database time. (80% impact [3156 seconds]) |
The event is not even documented on 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g official doc… I found some articles when I Google’d but they are not related to my issue… and Metalink does not have any helpful documents on this event for my situation…
There was already a Service Request regarding the issue, and the Support Engineer defined it as
“This wait event might be seen if the database server is executing on a platform that supports multi-threading. We enter this waiting state while a thread is starting up and leave the wait state when the thread has started or the startup request is cancelled.
This indicates some high contention at OS level avoiding even new process startup.
Issue is related to OS please involve system admin to solve same.”
The manager decided that we do a hard shutdown of the LPAR (we’re on P570 AIX 5.3) from the management console, and let’s see what it can do…
The DBA told me that once they are connected, all the operations are okay (DML, DDL, SQL*Loader).
So after the restart we tried to run the program for a while just to observe the behavior and what’s going on… apparently the local authentication is still slow!
For me, the challenge is how to have a response time profile of a session from the time it starts to connect with local authentication up to the time the session is connected so I would know what part of the operation is taking a lot of time.
What I remember, is when I was doing some queries to do some drill down on a session that was connecting using sqlplus “/ as sysdba” I see the background processes being spawned (QMNC, ARCn, etc..) are taking a lot of time in WAITING state with SECONDS_IN_WAIT reaching up to 20 seconds and has a wait event of “os thread startup”, then after a while the user gets connected then he’s now ready to do his thing without problems…Meaning after he’s connected there are no more complains…
SQL> select w.sid, s.sql_hash_value, s.program, w.event, w.wait_time/100 t, w.seconds_in_wait seconds_in_wait, w.state, w.p1, w.p2, w.p3 2 from v$session s, v$session_wait w 3 where s.sid = w.sid 4 and w.state = 'WAITING' 5 and w.event like '%os thread startup%' 6 order by 6 asc; SID SQL_HASH_VALUE PROGRAM EVENT T SECONDS_IN_WAIT STATE P1 P2 P3 ------ -------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 121 0 oracle@ps570roc01 (QMNC os thread startup) 0 18 WAITING 0 0 0 |
To know what’s going on when a user connects and for me to account the operation where it takes significant time; I created a database user TRACE_USER and created a logon trigger that invokes Extended SQL Trace Level 12. This will give me the timing information that I need when the user is connecting to the database.
To create the user:
create user trace_user identified by trace_user account unlock; grant create session,dba to trace_user; |
To create the logon trigger:
create or replace trigger sys.set_trace after logon on database when (user = 'trace_user') declare lcommand varchar(200); begin execute immediate 'alter session set statistics_level=all'; execute immediate 'alter session set max_dump_file_size=unlimited'; execute immediate 'alter session set events ''10046 trace name context forever, level 12'''; end set_trace; / |
After the user and the trigger are created, logon as the TRACE_USER by doing the following command:
sqlplus "trace_user/trace_user" << eof exit; eof |
This will generate an Extended SQL Trace (10046) trace file under the $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<db_name>/udump directory
Then see if there’s significant time on the database calls (PARSE,BIND,EXEC,FETCH) by looking at the “e=” section which means elapsed duration consumed by the database call
And check if there’s significant time on wait events by looking at the “ela=” section which means elapsed duration consumed by the wait event (probably by doing a system call)
Below is a small portion of the trace file generated, we are interested on the highlighted portions…
PARSING IN CURSOR #5 len=131 dep=1 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=15687899202263 hv=1389591971 ad='ca9a7948' select privilege#,nvl(col#,0),max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2))from objauth$ where obj#=:1 and grantee#=:2 group by privilege#,nvl(col#,0) END OF STMT EXEC #5:c=0,e=145,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=15687899202260 WAIT #5: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 30005 file#=1 block#=24208 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=15687899232346 FETCH #5:c=0,e=30075,p=1,cr=2,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=15687899232396 |
There were no database calls that consumed significant time (numbers below are microseconds, that’s for 9i and above):
less oracle_ora_1118270.trc | grep -i ",e=" | cut -d , -f2 > karlarao.txt ; sed -n 's/e=/ /p' karlarao.txt | sort -nr | less 358746 183162 61293 44661 32580 30075 28695 26950 25837 24244 23519 20543 20132 19449 19290 18809 18250 17230 16507 16349 13438 11716 11690 11284 10137 |
There were no wait events that consumed significant time (numbers below are microseconds, that’s for 9i and above):
less oracle_ora_1118270.trc | grep -i "ela=" | cut -d " " -f8 | sort -nr | less 30005 28624 13253 11592 9650 |
There was no “os thread startup” event!
less oracle_ora_1118270.trc | grep -i "ela=" | cut -d "=" -f2 | uniq 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'db file sequential read' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'db file sequential read' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'db file sequential read' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'db file sequential read' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela 'SQL*Net message to client' ela 'SQL*Net message from client' ela |
I need to have some instrumentation on the system calls, so I’ll use a UNIX tool,
presenting… TRUSS…
This tool will let you do some application tracing, for us we are interested in tracing SQL*Plus, and display the calls that an application makes to external libraries and the kernel… sounds cool
A “man truss” will give you an overview, but if you want more detail there are some good references at the IBM site or Metalink
Execute the following commands (one at a time):
truss -c sqlplus "/ as sysdba" << EOF exit; EOF truss -d sqlplus "/ as sysdba" << EOF exit; EOF |
The “-c” switch counts traced system calls, faults, and signals
The “-d” switch displays the timestamp in seconds on each line. The first line of the trace output will show the base time from which the individual time stamps are measured
Bwahaha, Now I know the problem!
The DNS service was causing the slow down on the sqlplus “/ as sysdba” operation and also the high “os thread startup” waits
The text below is the portion of “truss” output where the slow down occurs denoted by “(sleeping…)” events when reading on the /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts. Please see the highlighted region below
ENOTTY and ECONNREFUSED are the errors that you’ll see, you’ll find more details on the error messages on this file /usr/include/sys/errno.h
Below are their meanings
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Inappropriate I/O control operation */ #define ECONNREFUSED 79 /* Connection refused */ |
The portion of “truss -d” where the slow down occurs, you’ll see a leap on the timing information from 2.3379 seconds (reading /etc/resolv.conf) –> 7.3477 seconds –> 17.3489 seconds –> 37.3555 seconds (reading /etc/hosts) –> 70.3863 seconds (already connected)
The timing information below may not exactly match the real “time” that the user is waiting, it’s because the SQL*Plus is being probed to know the part of the underlying system calls where there are significant waits
0.3172: gethostname(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9920, 256) = 0 0.3175: _getpid() = 1102056 0.3177: open("/etc/resolv.conf", O_RDONLY) = 8 0.3180: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY 0.3182: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY kread(8, " d o m a i n this is the domain name, i removed it".., 4096) = 69 kread(8, " d o m a i n this is the domain name, i removed it".., 4096) = 0 0.3190: close(8) = 0 0.3194: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 0.3197: getsockopt(8, 65535, 4104, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70E4, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70E0) = 0 0.3199: connext(8, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 0 0.3202: send(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 41, 0) = 41 0.3205: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) = 1 0.3208: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9320, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7950, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7178) Err#79 ECONNREFUSED 0.3210: close(8) = 0 0.3212: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 0.3215: sendto(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 41, 0, 0x09001000A0018610, 16) = 41 0.3217: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) = 1 0.3220: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9320, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7950, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7178) = 108 0.3222: close(8) = 0 0.3224: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 0.3227: getsockopt(8, 65535, 4104, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70E4, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70E0) = 0 0.3229: connext(8, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 0 0.3231: send(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 28, 0) = 28 0.3233: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) = 1 0.3236: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9320, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7950, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7178) Err#79 ECONNREFUSED 0.3238: close(8) = 0 0.3240: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 0.3243: sendto(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 28, 0, 0x09001000A0018610, 16) = 28 0.3245: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) = 1 0.3248: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9320, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7950, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7178) = 28 0.3250: close(8) = 0 0.3252: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 0.3373: sendto(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 28, 0, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 28 2.3379: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) (sleeping...) 2.3379: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 5000) = 0 5.3468: close(8) = 0 5.3470: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 5.3472: sendto(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 28, 0, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 28 7.3477: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 10000) (sleeping...) 7.3477: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 10000) = 0 15.3479: close(8) = 0 15.3482: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 15.3484: sendto(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FF0, 28, 0, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 28 17.3489: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 20000) (sleeping...) 17.3489: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7190, 1, 20000) = 0 35.3491: close(8) = 0 35.3495: getdomainname(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9480, 256) = 0 35.3497: open("/etc/hosts", O_RDONLY) = 8 35.3500: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY 35.3502: kfcntl(8, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0 35.3505: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY kread(8, " # @ ( # ) 4 7\t 1 . 1".., 4096) = 3453 kread(8, " # @ ( # ) 4 7\t 1 . 1".., 4096) = 0 35.3514: close(8) = 0 kwrite(9, "01 �0603 s".., 432) = 432 37.3555: kread(10, "16060280".., 2064) (sleeping...) kread(10, "06 E06\b".., 2064) = 1605 70.3762: open("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msb", O_RDONLY) = 8 70.3764: kfcntl(8, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0 70.3767: lseek(8, 0, 0) = 0 kread(8, "1513 "011303\t\t".., 256) = 256 70.3772: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 70.3776: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 70.3781: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 70.3786: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 70.3790: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 70.3795: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 70.3799: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 70.3804: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 70.3808: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 70.3813: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 70.3817: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 70.3822: lseek(8, 51712, 0) = 51712 kread(8, "\n0589 D058A".., 512) = 512 70.3827: close(8) = 0 kwrite(9, " <0611 k".., 60) = 60 kread(10, " �06\b".., 2064) = 179 kwrite(9, " U0603 h".., 85) = 85 kread(10, "1606\b".., 2064) = 22 kwrite(9, " U0603 h".., 85) = 85 kread(10, "1606\b".., 2064) = 22 70.3854: lseek(4, 512, 0) = 512 kread(4, "17 �".., 512) = 512 70.3858: lseek(4, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(4, "16 * R h819E".., 512) = 512 70.3863: lseek(4, 4096, 0) = 4096 kread(4, "\f82 P86".., 512) = 512 kwrite(1, "\n", 1) = 1 Connected to: kwrite(1, " C o n n e c t e d t o".., 14) = 14 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production kwrite(1, " O r a c l e D a t a b".., 77) = 77 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options kwrite(1, " W i t h t h e P a r".., 78) = 78 kwrite(1, "\n", 1) = 1 70.3882: kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x0000000000000008) = 2 70.3886: __libc_sbrk(0x0000000000030020) = 0x000000001023C880 70.3892: access("login.sql", 0) Err#2 ENOENT 70.3895: access("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql", 0) = 0 70.3898: statfs("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFDA10) = 0 |
Apparently there was really a problem with the DNS when it was checked by the System Administrator. He just altered some network related files and instantly we checked on the local authentication… and we could quickly do a local authentication again! Whooho! and everybody was happy
Below is the good “truss” output of the local authentication, which takes about 3 seconds from the timing information
3.0713: gethostname(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9900, 256) = 0 3.0716: _getpid() = 2539762 3.0719: open("/etc/resolv.conf", O_RDONLY) = 8 3.0721: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY 3.0724: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY kread(8, " d o m a i n this is the domain name, i removed it".., 4096) = 70 kread(8, " d o m a i n this is the domain name, i removed it".., 4096) = 0 3.0731: close(8) = 0 3.0735: socket(2, 2, 0) = 8 3.0740: getsockopt(8, 65535, 4104, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70C4, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF70C0) = 0 3.0742: connext(8, 0x09001000A0018600, 16) = 0 3.0746: send(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FD0, 41, 0) = 41 3.0750: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7170, 1, 5000) = 1 3.0753: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9300, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7930, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7158) = 108 3.0756: send(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7FD0, 28, 0) = 28 3.0758: _poll(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7170, 1, 5000) = 1 3.0761: nrecvfrom(8, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9300, 1024, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7930, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7158) = 28 3.0764: close(8) = 0 3.0767: getdomainname(0x0FFFFFFFFFFF9460, 256) = 0 3.0769: open("/etc/hosts", O_RDONLY) = 8 3.0771: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY 3.0774: kfcntl(8, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0 3.0777: kioctl(8, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) Err#25 ENOTTY kread(8, " # @ ( # ) 4 7\t 1 . 1".., 4096) = 3453 kread(8, " # @ ( # ) 4 7\t 1 . 1".., 4096) = 0 3.0786: close(8) = 0 kwrite(9, "01 �0603 s".., 432) = 432 kread(10, "06 H06\b".., 2064) = 1608 3.0973: open("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msb", O_RDONLY) = 8 3.0975: kfcntl(8, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0 3.0978: lseek(8, 0, 0) = 0 kread(8, "1513 "011303\t\t".., 256) = 256 3.0983: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 3.0988: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 3.0993: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 3.0997: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 3.1002: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 3.1006: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 3.1011: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 3.1015: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 3.1021: lseek(8, 50688, 0) = 50688 kread(8, "\f05 ] P05 ^".., 512) = 512 3.1025: lseek(8, 512, 0) = 512 kread(8, "1A Q 5 C [ V u �85 �9480".., 512) = 512 3.1029: lseek(8, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(8, "18 $ 4 = G S".., 512) = 512 3.1034: lseek(8, 51712, 0) = 51712 kread(8, "\n0589 D058A".., 512) = 512 3.1038: close(8) = 0 kwrite(9, " <0611 k".., 60) = 60 kread(10, " �06\b".., 2064) = 179 kwrite(9, " U0603 h".., 85) = 85 kread(10, "1606\b".., 2064) = 22 kwrite(9, " U0603 h".., 85) = 85 kread(10, "1606\b".., 2064) = 22 3.1064: lseek(4, 512, 0) = 512 kread(4, "17 �".., 512) = 512 3.1069: lseek(4, 1024, 0) = 1024 kread(4, "16 * R h819E".., 512) = 512 3.1073: lseek(4, 4096, 0) = 4096 kread(4, "\f82 P86".., 512) = 512 kwrite(1, "\n", 1) = 1 Connected to: kwrite(1, " C o n n e c t e d t o".., 14) = 14 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production kwrite(1, " O r a c l e D a t a b".., 77) = 77 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options kwrite(1, " W i t h t h e P a r".., 78) = 78 kwrite(1, "\n", 1) = 1 3.1095: kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x0000000000000008) = 2 3.1099: __libc_sbrk(0x0000000000030020) = 0x000000001023C880 3.1105: access("login.sql", 0) Err#2 ENOENT 3.1109: access("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql", 0) = 0 3.1112: statfs("/oracle/app/product/10.2/db_1/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFD9F0) = 0 |